Post Incident Review

Strengthen Your Cyber Resilience with Expert Post-Incident Reviews (PIRs)

In today’s digital world, where cyber threats are a constant presence, the importance of robust cyber defenses and responsive mechanisms cannot be underestimated. At the heart of these strategies are Post-Incident Reviews (PIRs), conducted by seasoned digital forensic and incident response (DFIR) experts. These reviews are pivotal in fortifying your organisation’s resilience against cyber threats.

Why Conduct a Cyber Post Incident Review?
A Cyber PIR conducted after a security incident is crucial for deciphering what happened, understanding why it happened, and how to prevent similar incidents in the future. These reviews provide a detailed autopsy of cyber incidents and set the stage for stronger defenses against future attacks.

The Key Stages of a Cyber PIR
  1. Preparation:
    Assemble a cross-functional review team and gather all necessary data related to the incident. This stage involves collecting detailed information about the incident’s timeline, systems affected, data compromised, and the initial response steps.
  2. Analysis:
    Identify the root causes of the incident by analysing vulnerabilities or failures in existing security controls and policies. Evaluate the effectiveness of the incident response and identify any factors that may have delayed detection or exacerbated the impact.
  3. Lessons Learned:
    Document successful response strategies to standardise these practices across the organisation, and pinpoint areas needing improvement. Develop actionable recommendations to enhance detection capabilities and overall security posture.
  4. Reporting:
    Compile a comprehensive PIR report that is clear and accessible to all stakeholders, including executive management and the board of directors. This report discusses the findings, impact, and recommendations for moving forward.
  5. Implementation of Recommendations:
    Develop and monitor a plan to implement the recommendations, ensuring they effectively reduce risks and improve security measures. Regular follow-ups are essential to assess the effectiveness of the implemented changes.
  6. Knowledge Sharing:
    Promote a culture of continuous improvement and security awareness by sharing lessons learned both internally and with the broader cybersecurity community.
Why Choose Our PIR Service?

Expert Analysis and Recommendations
Our team of qualified DFIR experts ensures that each review is thorough, pinpointing critical process gaps and assessing the efficacy of your incident response. We provide actionable recommendations to enhance your information handling and incident response processes, thus preventing recurrence.

Tailored to Your Needs
Whether you require an internal, external, or joint review, our services are adaptable to meet your organisation’s specific needs, especially after detecting cyber incidents, when internal resources are overwhelmed, or during complex or high-profile cases.

Regulatory Compliance and Continuous Learning
Our experts ensure that your PIRs align with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Even in the absence of immediate threats, engaging with our experts periodically helps refine your cyber resilience strategies and incident response plans.